Thursday, July 5, 2012

My First Day of School!

Today was the first day of school! And it was fantastic! I had 8 students (of my 13 show up...) and it was GREAT! Here are some final pictures of my classroom all set well as some of the fun things we did!

Here is my calendar area. My students seemed to do a good job at calendar today! 

 Here is my choice board! The students get to pick a choice...and they put their name card into their choice. If students want to pick something else, they can...but only what is already out. 

Here is one of our big activities for the day! After reading the story "A Monster Comes to School" I found a variety of pictures to represent different rules. Using a green paper for good choices and a red paper for bad choices, students got to glue each picture where they went. Later, I will laminate them and post them in the room for students to use! On another note...they referred to them throughout the day--especially the picture of them sitting at carpet!

Here is the second part of our rules discussion! Students help me put where each monster rule goes on the chart.Most students did pretty good staying on green today, some went back and forth, and one went to yellow today (hitting, kicking and spitting). At the end of the day, they got to go to treasure box (I will take a picture of my treasure box to show you!) 

Here is another idea that I am trying this year! When a student does something excellent, they get to put a puff ball into the jar...I put on some cute monster stickers. Right now, the jar is small (a pickle jar) but hopefully it will get bigger when they can fill it quickly. Today they earned two! They also get to pick the size of the puff ball they put in the jar. If you have any idea of what to call my class jar, please comment. =)

And finally, our calendar. We started school today!

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