Monday, December 3, 2012

It has been a LONG time!!

Sorry for the delay! It has been a crazy few weeks...or months...haha...but while most teachers are preparing for the holiday season, my students went off track from Thanksgiving through New Years. The only good thing for you (and for me) is that I get to catch up on some of the things that we have done...and prepare for some of the things that we have coming up.

In the time since I have posted last (before Halloween, I believe), we were pretty busy! We celebrated Halloween with pumpkin activities. We celebrated Veteran's Day with some activities and a few veterans came to our school. We talked a little turkey talk before going on vacation! I will do a photo dump here of all of the different things that we did before we went off track...It will be fun to show in pictures!

So first...Halloween!

Here are some of the crafts that we did.

Our circle pumpkin. 

We did some fine motor activities.
We got to string beads and make a necklace!

Our pumpkin day activities...

We gutted a students  LOVED the
feel of the insides of the pumpkin.

In learning about our pumpkin, we talked about the size,
the feel of the pumpkin, how tall and round it is (using string
and cubes to measure the pumpkin). 
Our carved pumpkin. Pretty generic face, but my students
enjoyed telling me the shapes for the parts of the face.

Some other activities we did on Halloween...
We did a spooky graphing page!
We practiced counting skills...putting pumpkin pompoms
on a vine...

 Our Thanksgiving turkey page...We used Q-tips to decorate the turkeys. I then cut them out and mounted them! Very cute!

For Veteran's Day...A cute poem, with their hand prints attached!

So, a busy few months! A lot of crafts and activity happening!

I know that I still need to review the other sections of the curriculum that I use...BASICS2...hopefully later in the week...

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