Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Happy Halloween!

With Halloween right around the corner, we have been creating like crazy! And my kiddos have LOVED the art projects! They get even more excited when they see their work displayed around the room...Here are some of our work from the last few weeks....
On one side of my room, around my our spider web...with paper plate colorful spiders!

Here are some close ups of some of our spiders...I used colorful dots, pipe cleaners for the legs, and googlie eyes. Most of my students chose two eyes, but a few got a little carried away with eyes! I think it adds some interest to their spiders.


And as we all know, the most important aspect of art projects is the process. For me, the most important part of our art projects are the skills involved! With our spiders, it was all about Fine get their fingers to peel off the dots and then stick them on the plate was a lot of work for some of my kiddos. Some added benefits: asking for help (a skill that can be difficult for my students), color recognition, and showing pride in their work!

This week, we made pumpkins! We laced them and hung them over the window in our classroom! Here they are...simple and GREAT!

And of course...some of the close ups of some of our pumpkins!

The best part about each pumpkin is that they are all very unique! All of the supplies that we used were bought from MICHAELS a few years ago! There was a large set of foam pumpkins, and then I found a set of foam jack-o-lantern pieces...students were allowed to mix and match all of the pieces that I had. Some used just foam...some added googlie eyes and feathers! 

And finally...we tried our first GAME! I found the game board on the internet...and had candy corn and extra dice hanging around. We only covered the numbers 1-6, which was a lot of work for my kiddos. After rolling the dice, counting the dots, they got to removed only the candy on that number. A hard concept for them! But it will definitely be something we practice. Playing games like this works on many skills: turn taking, counting, following directions, and asking for help, just to name a few!

What a busy few weeks we have had! And we are started conferences today...

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