Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Must Have Monday (or Tuesday)

Here we go again...

What Must I have in my classroom?? This is hard...but here it goes...

Some of MY go to items...

1) File Folders: I use them for everything. I have file folder activities for my students to complete during independent time. I have file folders for student data and completed work. I have file folders with lesson plans. and worksheets for my students to complete. I use them all the time.
2) Sharpies: I use sharpies all the time. I love to give my kids colors. My personal favorite is black, but I will use any color I can get my hands on.
3) Stickers: My kids love to get stickers. I use stars, monsters (to go with the theme of my room), good job stickers, anything. My kids will get stickers for working hard, listening, lining up, anything. Sometimes they go directly on their hand, sometimes on a piece of paper...
4) Page Protectors: Because I teach a moderate-severe special education class, we work on the same skills over and over. My page protectors save a few trees....I especially use them for things like writing their name and tracing or writing their letters and numbers. This way, they can practice over and over...if I want a sample to keep and put in their files, I just pull one out of their page protector and print out a new one...Something I have learned about page protectors is that quality matters...you have to get the smooth finish ones-dry erase markers work better and erase better. This year, I have upgraded to these...They are usually used to display student work, but I like the durability of them!

                                                            Magnetic Paper Pockets - Set of 4

5)Boardmaker: Boardmaker is a program that is used to make icons (pictures). I use them for my schedule, I use them to provide directions for students during work stations, I use them to help students make choices. I also use them for communication...


These are probably my MOST absolute needed items in my classroom! I think what is also interesting is that this list changes based on the year and my students...some years I NEED to have a trampoline or other stress reliever for my students...some years paints and other arts and crafts are a must. This year, although I may use those, they are not a MUST!

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