Thursday, April 26, 2012

An Activity from January...

In January, in the middle of winter, I read my students a wonderful book...Snowmen at Night. They loved it! I knew that would lead to a great project, that I keep each year (this is my second year doing this project) and bind into a class book.  Last year, I let them paint their snowmen and then decorate them. This year, they got to tear white paper and then decorate their snowman any way they wanted. The next week, we do a guided writing project where each student writes about their snowmen...I love what my students come up with! Here are some of the pictures.

The cover of the book that our class made.

 For me, the best part is watching my students be proud of their work. They did a great job making their snowmen, and writing their sentences. Each snowman was unique! 

It was a great project.

Looking ahead to next year (already), I purchased the book, Snowman All Year. It will be a great way to talk about seasons, and a fun book for my students to try to put together! I am excited to let my kids pick their favorite season and activity and put a snowman in the middle of it!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Christine - those snowmen are too cute! Glad I found you...I'm your newest follower. :o)
    Traditions, Laughter and Happily Ever After
