Wednesday, August 28, 2013

A post 3 weeks in the making!

So...I have been back at work for 3 weeks...and what a 3 weeks it has been! I have been so stressed out with this group...but things are FINALLY getting better! all of this CRAZINESS that is my days, I wanted to let people know that I haven't fallen off the planet...or gone CRAZY...thought about...but I am making it through.

I wanted to show off my room...I LOVE IT! And I am already getting ready to re-do it! But this is what it looks like right now.

This is the view from the front of my room. You can see the book shelves right in front of my door (actually a perfect place for them.) Right next to the bookshelf is a large rolling cart. I don't like it there, but that is where it fit the best! You can also see the front of my room!

Here is my behavior chart...and the Are You Listening? Chart. You can also see our daily schedule. This year, it is horizontal...I read somewhere that it promotes tracking and early reading skills! My students refer to it often...I am getting better at keeping it updated too!

Here are my desks...I have 17 students...which is a lot of desks. I do not know if I like the arrangement yet, but I am going to keep with it. You can also see my calendar area! It is very small this year...and short! We do our songs, greetings, days of the week and months of the year. We are also able to throw in some actual calendar skills and counting the days in school. We have not added in weather yet, but I am hoping to soon!

Here is the bulletin boards next to my calendar area! I was able to string them all together again...I like that so much better than spreading them out! I teach BASICS2, so each color is for one of the domains (Functional Academics, Domestic, Rec and Leisure, Vocational and Community).

Here is more desks. WOW! That is ALOT!

Here is a close up of my "cubbies" and the baskets where the backpacks go! If you notice the colored boxes to the right, I had to pull two out to make room!

The back corner...It has my assistant's station...She meets with students during rotations.

My table is NOT usually that messy! I can fit 5 or 6 students at my rotation if I need to...I have a rolling cart right next to me...

You can also see my refrigerator and stove in the background! We are fortunate to have a fully functioning kitchen...

That is the part of the classroom that my students have access to! I also have a back storage room (GREAT FOR ME!) I also have a bathroom, and my own office! 

Overall, I like my classroom...But I am thinking of changing the way my classroom runs! It could make things difficult in the next few weeks...

After that tour, I am hoping to make the classroom activities and hustle and bustle more frequent! Because in all of the craziness, I LOVE working with my kids! 

Friday, August 2, 2013

It has been quiet....BUT...

It has been quiet in BASICS land...WHY...I have been on summer break! Because I went on summer break, I decided not to post about the craziness that I did with my family for our summer....but let's say that I went Back to the BASICS in a completely different way! We vacationed, went to the beach, relaxed, played games...all those fun things.

I did find school invading my vacation time a few times! The first was a HORRIBLE dream that I had. I did not have my class list, and had a dream that I had 30 kids (remember I am a special education teacher-class size is about 14-17 kids, on average), no assistant, crazy children, etc. I woke up in a cold sweat! It was scary! I realized that I was worrying about my class list, and contacted some people...with my new information I could sleep a little better for the rest of the summer!

So my class this year: I have 17 students. I have 5 students returning from last year. I have 6 girls (I think) and 12 boys...totally different then last year!

This week, I went back to school. We had paid meetings on Monday and Wednesday (I went to the beach on Tuesday) and then our first 'real' day back was Thursday. We got to work in teams...since I am all alone this year, I got to spend some time in my classroom...which was nice, because when I left, I was in the middle of moving classrooms. I came back to everything moved, but huge piles everywhere! I needed all the time in my classroom that I could get! Although I did not take any pictures, I got a lot done, and I will take pictures on Monday.

Let me just say...I LOVE MY NEW ROOM! It is bigger than last year. There is more space. My areas are set up! I think I am ready!

Kiddos show up on Monday! I will be up early on Monday! I will be at school early. I will be greeting my students (all of them) with a smile! At lunch, I will walk to the upper grade classroom (at a different campus-right next door) and will say hello to some of my students from last year. I will be happy to see them too! And in the back of my mind, I will take a big breath...I have 17 students to take care of! And at 4:30 (after those kids go home) I will make sure that my own two children had a GREAT first day of school! It is THEIR first day of school too! I can't believe that on Monday,. I will have a 1st grader and a 3rd grader!