Friday, March 1, 2013

Fun in February


It has been a CRAZY month. Absolutely CRAZY! We have been so busy...between our 100 day celebration, Valentine's Day and some other fun stuff, my kiddo's have been working away! I am dedicating this post to a variety of stuff we have done in February.

So to start with: VALENTINE'S DAY!

Our first group activity was to sort a bag of candy hearts! We were on minimum days for Valentine's Day, because of we did a few activities only! After we sorted our bag of candy, we laid them out on our carpet and discussed which color was the most, the least, etc. (I did have a second bag that they could eat!)

And the highlight of my Valentine's Day...I have my students pass out their at a time! For my kiddos, it works on many different social areas! Some of the most important...waiting their turn, saying thank you, and being polite! I am also able to sneak in name recognition, because my kids have to write their classmates name on each card!

But this guy was so excited to pass out his cards! And he went to every person, and said "Happy Valentine's Day!" to every student! It was GREAT!

Next is our 100 Day....what a CRAZY day that was!

We read some great books about the 100th day of school!

Our big craft for the day was...we used a hundreds chart to lay out 100 beads...and then we laced them! This takes my kids awhile...all while working on numbers, fine motor skills, and patience!

These were my two favorite crafts for the 100th day of school...

Another student made a 100-eyed monster!
One of my students (and her parents) made a 100 flower bouquet!
And with all of these fun days...there is always time for some fun...and learning...
For was really cold for PE one students had to work in pairs (difficult for some) and got to play with their stacking cups! I took a lot of pictures that day...they built towers, and was awesome! 

It was really cold outside for we had to have some indoor recess...and for my kids, that means I take out some of our Lakeshore stuff...The sensory ball pack and the Let's Get Moving! Activity Mats.

Washable Sensory...Let’s Get Moving!...

(Our two pieces from Lakeshore that we used for our inside recess)

We love the exercise pack for our inside recess time! Students get to jog, hop, skip. march, run...and do a lot of other activities! There are 15 activities in all for students to complete.  Students had to catch a ball, then they had to state what the activity was on their mat....then the whole class had to complete that exercise! They had a great time....In this picture...they are trying to do the crab walk! 

Finally...Happy Dr. Seuss Day! Here is our GREAT project that we did with my kids. I printed out a hat template and a bow tie template...and let my kids decorate away. Then they had to cut them out...and finally I put them up in my room...Their face is from a picture that I took earlier in the year, and printed at an 8x10 photo. My kids were so excited to see their new pictures on the wall!

Like I said...we have had a busy month!